Who should become a #HD8member?

Are you proud to be a part of the HD8 Network?

Do you know other organizations that could benefit from being part of our community?

Recommend them to join the HD8 Network and help us grow a strong, vibrant network of local businesses, non-profits, and community groups!

Here’s How to Refer a Great Organization to HD8 Network:

1. Identify Potential #HD8Members

Think of organizations, businesses, or groups that would be a great fit for our community.

The HD8 Network connects people where they work, rest, and play in the HD8 area, and to keep it dynamic, we’re always looking to expand our network with a variety of businesses, events, nonprofits, and more.

Consider any local business, service, or community group that’s eager to grow its local reach—could they be a perfect fit for the HD8 Network?

2. Spread the Word – Make the Introduction

Let them know about us! Here’s how they can connect with us:

Your recommendation and encouragement to join, will make all the difference, instead of us ‘selling’ it to them!

📞 Telephone: 01484 244442

💻 Website: HD8Network.com

 📱 Social Media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin

You can also share this page with them, where they’ll find all the details they need to reach out – https://www.hd8network.co.uk/hd8-network-details/

3. Share Their Information with Us

Follow this link to complete our form with the organization’s details, so we can follow up directly. Here’s what helps:

  • Contact Person: Their name and contact information, if possible.
  • Type of Organization: Specify if they’re a business, community group, or charity so we can share the right membership information.

4. Help Us Connect Effortlessly

Providing their email, website, and social media handles makes it easy for us to get in touch.

Thank You for Supporting the Growth of the HD8 Network! Your support helps us build a stronger community.

Together, we’re making HD8 the place to be!

Your support means the world to us.