Proud Silver Community HD8 Network members Birdsedge First School have seen some exciting growth over the last couple of years.

They will forever want to be the ‘small school with the big heart’ but are excited that their pupil numbers have started to increase and this is helping to develop the dynamics in their classrooms.
This is also great news for children starting Reception in 2024 who will be taught by a teacher as one small Reception Class for all core learning times every day.
This will be a positive move from the current mixed key stage class we have had historically and it also a significant step in increasing back to more classes across school.
If you want to find out more, please do get in touch and you would be warmly welcomed for a chat or visit.
For more information including contact details please visit the directory listing of Birdsedge First School –
For more information about Birdsedge First School including contact details please visit their directory listing on our website –