Don’t forget South Pennine Food Circle’s next Pop Up market!
Byram Arcade, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire
Saturday 7th September between 11-2pm.
Buy super local produce (cheese, trout, honey, fruit and veg, bread) and support the regional food economy.
The regional food system is changing fast and there are many innovative local food businesses springing up across the region.
Despite these innovations, it’s often very difficult for new businesses to become established and survive outside the mainstream food system.
The South Pennines Food Circle was set up with the intention of helping local food businesses in this situation while protecting our natural heritage.
Our next Pop Up market is at Byram Arcade in Huddersfield on Saturday 7 September 11-2pm, where you will be able to buy a range of locally produced, sustainable produce, including cheese, trout, honey, fruit and veg, and bread.