Nortonthorpe Sports Club are delighted that the Allotments are now up and running!
Luke Dawson who is heading up the allotment area at Nortonthorpe Sports Club said “We have a fantastic bunch of people who are committed to growing, planting, weeding, chatting, laughing and enjoying the outdoor space that your own allotment brings you”.
The allotment area is very, very raw and everyone is totally starting from scratch, with lots of overgrown weeds.

Luke continues by saying “Our wonderful bunch of Monty Dons just got stuck in and have been busy digging, weeding, planting, watering and generally working pretty hard to make a huge difference. So proud of them all for taking on the challenge! “.
More plots available
There are still allotment plots available, so should you wish to join this hardy lot, please contact Luke Dawson.
- Telephone number -07966 306682,
- email
- or message them through the Nortonthorpe Sports Club’s Facebook Page.
At the moment the Nortonthorpe Gardeners are desperate for wooden pallets, timber off cuts or similar, so they can make a compost enclosure and box off the plots.
If you are able to assist please make contact. If need be, arrangements can be made to collect items.