This afternoon I sent out email reminders about next week’s opportunity to get together and meet other people who Work in the HD8 and surrounding areas.
So if you’re interested in the event and haven’t received this email – and you have checked your spam box – please send me a message with your email address and I will get an invite sent out to you!
When I say Work, it is generally in reference to people who run businesses or non-profit organisations, as well as council representatives. These are the people that our memberships and Meetup event are designed for.
There is NO MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED IF YOU SOLELY REST OR PLAY HERE – the platform (aka our website and social media channels) was designed for you to use!
I live in this wonderful area and want to enjoy my leisure time here too, and I want to help others to also do so at the same time.
The aim of the HD8 Network is to help more local people do and buy more locally.
That’s not to say that if you only Rest or Play here that you’d not be welcome to come along to the Meetup and say hello – of course, the more is merrier! – however I assume its possibly less interesting for you.
The HD8 Network provides an online platform for EVERYONE who WORKS, RESTS OR PLAYS in the HD8 area …
It is NOT A BUSINESS NEWORK – its here for the whole community!
Community activity is not just an add-on to drive traffic to the website – I know (from first hand experience) that the majority of the activity that happens here is run by non profit groups and volunteers, that desperately need to tell people about their events and activities, as well as recruit much needed volunteers. They have limited budget or more pressing need for their funds and that is why it is FREE and always has been for them to use the HD8 Network to spread the word.
This can make the messaging of the HD8 Network very confusing, because I am are trying to be all things to all people … but that’s what a community is right?
It also doesn’t help that I am doing it all on my own – with the exception of some occasional help from my poor suffering friend Janene … and the enduring support of my husband of course!
To book on to the Meetup event, please visit Eventbrite – https://hd8-network-meetup-nov.eventbrite.co.uk
If you would like to find out more about the HD8 Network please check out our ABOUT US section – you might find the timeline interesting, and you can click through to our Vision (I haven’t looked at these pages for nearly a year, so sorry if its slightly out of date) – or get in touch for a chat!
Thanks to all the amazing HD8 Network members, those that add events to the local events calendar and everyone else that supports the work of the HD8 Network, without you it is completely pointless! But it is because of you and all the comments about how useful the HD8 Network is, that I continue.