We want everyone who works, rests and plays in the HD8 area to have a very jolly festive season.
You can take advantage of our platform to showcase your products and services.
Designed to increase your exposure by putting you in front of new (as well as your existing) customers, locally.
Whilst our focus is the HD8 area – we are internet based and so you will be found further afield too!
We have a range of potential Christmas Campaigns that you can take advantage of, ON TOP OF our existing packages!
Cyber Monday offer;
Sign up for Bronze membership and get the Christmas Gold experience for just £50!
Check out our potential Christmas Campaigns and complete the form here –
Or feel free to just get in touch to discuss your options.
The HD8 Network is a platform for communication in the #HD8 area of #Huddersfield #WestYorkshire
Whether you work, rest or play here