Community Membership – Why and what’s the benefit?

Did you know that it is free for community groups and charities to become members of the HD8 Network?

Also, did you know there is also no cost to add events to the local calendar?

We understand that the majority of the activity that happens in the local community is run by volunteers, who have limited funds. This is why we have created our Community Membership.

Over the last year,

  • 87 community members have made use of our platform, helping them to be found online, as well as communicating their message to people within the HD8 area (and wider). This helps them to reach those already familiar, but more importantly, those outside of their existing circle of connections.
  • 1,970 event listings have been published and been shared via the local events calendar.

In theory, it is our Business members that subsidise the Community members. However in reality, for the past 11 years, it has been Merewyn that invests her time and money into the HD8 Network. We do this without the support from either of the local parish councils and do not qualify for community grants and other support for community focused organisations.

We are desperately trying to grow the number of paying Business members, to enable us to grow our team and continue our work – helping more local people do and buy more locally.

But why would a community group use this platform for communication?

The HD8 Network was recently chatting to Richard Hobson from Denby Dale Cricket Club and we happened to ask him how he has benefited from being a Community Member of the HD8 Network.

This is what Richard had to say –

“Being a member of HD8 helps get the message across, be it to local people or the start of worldwide recognition. In our changing population there is no such thing as “the local” any more. We have people new to the area and the more ways organisations can get their message across the better. How better to get you event known than on a local internet site!

My experience shows that its not just local people checking the website. When I sent an article to the HD8 Network in 2022 about a local person doing an amazing thing, the local paper picked up on it, then national radio, then national TV and even American TV!

You just don’t know who is looking!

We must utilise modern technology for our local groups to survive!”

Richard also took advantage of one of our Photoshoots in 2023 and brought along visiting international team member Malindu and received copies of these professional photos to use.

Why did you become a member of the HD8 Network?

“To advertise what’s happening”

Richard regularly uses the events calendar to promote the activities at Denby Dale Cricket Club, including their summer camps and their very popular bonfire night!

Google Analytics for the website between 1st October - 20th November 2023 highlight the increase of visitor views for bonfire nights.
Google Analytics for the website between 1st October – 20th November 2023 highlight the increase of visitor views for bonfire nights.

Over the years we have seen the analytics on our website skyrocket during October, as a result of people searching for bonfires in the local area.

This prompted us to actively research and reach out to the local groups, encouraging them to list them on our events calendar. See our article from 2021 –

We have done similar when we have noticed a number of parents asking about baby and toddler groups, as well as other local activities.

Has there been a cost to your community group or charity?

“No cost”

Our membership is tiered – Bronze, Silver, Gold. Our Bronze membership (which is free for Community members) gives a basic directory listing on our website and the ability to promote in our Facebook Groups.

The Silver and Gold memberships includes account manager meetings, analytics and further assistance to get your message out and optimise the use of your membership.

However if you have a story you want to tell and you can send us a press release (in layman’s terms “words”) that enables us to create a news article and share across our platform, we would be delighted to hear from you. Provided that the input from ourselves is limited and it gives us an opportunity to shout about the area and the activity that happens here, there is no cost for this publicity.

Would you recommend the HD8 Network to other community groups and charities?

“Absolutely would – Local community groups need to be seen and heard to get their events recognised”.

Are you also an existing Community Member of the HD8 Network?

Can you help us explain why you are a member and the benefits you receive from being so, helping other community groups and charities?

Complete this survey here – – or simply get in touch with us in the way that works for you. You know we’re always looking for a catch up with you and hear about the wonderful things you are doing for our community.

At the same time, if you would like to find out more about our memberships please visit here –

To arrange a demo and a chat please book a suitable time here –

Or simply use the chat function on the bottom right hand side of the website (it is Merewyn that answers, not a robot – so if she is not at her desk, she will reply by email).

Alternatively pick up the phone – 01484 244442, email or contact us through our social media channels.