If you are a member of the HD8 Network, you will have a listing on our directory. These are available for Bronze, Silver and Gold members, whether you have a Community or Business membership. This is your space on our website to let people find you, find out what you do, find contact details for you and start building a relationship with you.

They might be a long time customer, who was quickly googling for your telephone number or trying to find you on social. Or it might be someone new that is looking for what you sell or do.
They might be someone new to the area, or someone whose generations have lived in and around the HD8 area.
So it is vital for your credibility and ours, as well as our other members, that the information on your directory listing is current, complete and useful to the visitors of our website.
If you have a directory listing, or are thinking about becoming a member, here are some of our top tips for you to think about.
Is the image right?
Does the image give the best impression for your business? If you would like to revise this, please feel free to email over an image so that it can add it to your listing.
Are the details displaying correctly?
Please check that the telephone numbers are correct and the links work. Does the address show the correct place people can visit you (when social distancing isn’t an issue) and/or send you post?
Have you included an introduction?
This description should provide enough information to reassure visitors that you are the right person to talk to.
You may want to also include information like –
• Opening hours
• Delivery options
• Restrictions you might have put in place
• Menus or price lists
• Product and services
Best results are achieved when this includes keywords and phrases people use when they ‘Google’ products and services like yours.
Incomplete or incorrect details will prevent visitors from getting in contact with you.
We always do our best to help you, but can take no responsibility for this.
If your details are not correct, or the information you give is not descriptive, appealing and well written, your potential customers are never going to get in touch with you, let alone buy from you, and we are all affected by this. A reasonable admin fee can be paid for assistance in these matters.
Unfortunately if we do not receive confirmation from members that everything is present and correct, we reserve the right to to suspend listings with no refund of fees paid.
Sorry, lecture now over.
Please use our directory to find other members that could provide a service or product to you, whether you work, rest or play here.