Nortonthorpe Sports Club has improved significantly over the last several years. It is now a fantastic location and open for further growth and development.
The current Trustees and Committee are working hard to make this place a location that is available to the community all year round.
We are looking for further volunteers to help with various roles in the following areas:

• Help with administrative duties like secretary roles / social media
• Professional service like accountancy / PR / Help with obtaining sponsorship / grants
• General help at the clubhouse e.g., serving behind the bar / kitchen etc
• General help with maintenance inside and groundwork e.g., cutting grass / marking pitches, landscaping etc.
• Supporting with any other skills you can offer
With over an 80 year history based in the community of Scissett and Clayton West, Nortonthorpe Sports Club:

• Is a registered charity
• has dedicated refurbished clubhouse
• has improved outfield facilities
• can hosts regular social events
• is currently the home of Scissett FC and Rural Veterans Hub