Sayers Solutions, small business marketing and strategy specialist, has set themselves a challenge to see as many business plans as they can, over the next few months.

We are heading into quarter 4 and next thing we know, we will be talking about Christmas – are you prepared?
Sayers Solutions is offering you the chance to review your plan – whatever state it’s in.
“Send over what you’ve got, or not and let’s chat” says Merewyn from Sayers Solutions.
“Not got anything to send? Don’t worry, we’re happy to give you some simple pointers to kick you off.”
Expect homework and improvement areas, as well as a different perspective from a fresh pair of eyes.
The Initial 20 minute session session is free.
And there is a free download waiting to help you
Full packages will involve consultations, appraisals and report writing, however accountability and focused attention on your business is all the magic that is needed.
Campaign management also available from Sayers Solutions.
Do you want to work on your business for a change?
Do you want to carry on doing what you’ve always done, or do you want to step back and make sure you still fit in the current market.
Or are there bigger fish to fry?