A big warm ‘hello’ from all of us at HD8 Network.

We’re so pleased you’ve decided to be #HD8members.
It’s our mission to make sure you get as much as possible out of your membership and to ensure it is a great success, we’ll be here to support and guide you along the way.
This section should contain all the information you need to be an active #HD8member. However please never hesitate to get in touch if there is something you would like or can’t find.
From this page you will find
- Onboarding booklet
- Membership Pledge
- Membership Poster
- Let’s make a start with the members’ directory
- Here are some extra bits for you to download and use to make the most of your membership
- Hang on, there’s more …. we also have available as part of your membership …
- Membership Packages
- Gold and Silver member booklet
Our aim is help more people do and buy more locally
The HD8 Network is a platform for communication whether you work, rest or play in the HD8 area of Huddersfield.
We think our area is quite special and I’m sure you do too. We have a thriving business community, with a wide variety of businesses and there’s never been a better time to ‘keep it local’ to support local business.
Please use the Members Area as a reference point, and keep coming back here.
We are aiming to add to this, giving you access to images, posters, links and further information for you to use as part of your HD8 Network membership.
To find out more about the HD8 Network membership packages please visit – www.hd8network.co.uk/join/