Join us for a jam-packed day of sporting fun as we celebrate everything Rugby League! Join us for games, activities, crafts and special appearances from rugby players and mascots.
This event is organised in partnership with Wakefield Trinity and Featherstone Rovers as we celebrate coal mining’s links to the sport.
This event is organised in partnership with Wakefield Trinity and Featherstone Rovers, bringing together the community for a fun-filled family day of activities and learning.
Meet rugby mascots and players, with incredible demonstrations and activities all day.
Programme Schedule:
10am – Event opens and welcome from the mascots
Meet and Greet with mascots and players
Free, drop-in
Meet with players and mascots from Wakefield Trinity and Featherstone Rovers, have your picture taken too!
Objects and Sculptures
Free, drop-in
Discover special objects and sculptures that celebrate the heritage of coal mining and rugby.
Rugby Themed Crafts
10am-12pm & 1pm-3pm
Free, drop-in
Get creative with rugby-themed crafts suitable for all ages.
Skills Training Session
Participate in a skills training session, perfect for all ages, led by professional rugby players.
Meet and Greet with mascots and players
Free, drop-in
Meet with players and mascots from Wakefield Trinity and Featherstone Rovers, have your picture taken too!
Skills Training Session
Participate in a skills training session, perfect for all ages, led by professional rugby players.