EcoFest is back! After the success of last year’s inaugural event, Denby Dale Parish Council’s Climate Emergency Working Group is hosting our second environment event for the community.
We have speakers including Rev Philip Bee from the Methodist Circuit, Dr Ryad Alsous from The Buzz Project, Dr John Lever from the University of Huddersfield discussing local sustainable food, our very own Countryside Officer Dave Wilde advising on Greener Gardens, Chair of the Parish Council Neil Denby leading a panel discussion on growing your own food, and Louise Taylor from Ecohub Emley telling us how to reuse and repurpose textiles.
There will be plenty of stalls as well, from local businesses like Ecohub and Grow and individual producers, plus community groups showcasing all the amazing opportunities there are in the area to work with others and help the environment e.g. Denby Dale Walkers Are Welcome, The Countryside Project, Denby Dale Men’s Shed, Upper Dearne Woodlands Conservation Group, Upper Dearne Valley Environmental Trust, Community Allotments plus Kirklees Recycling.
Local school children are brightening up the place again with their wonderful posters, and will be coming down to enjoy crafting activities, games and quizzes.
We really hope to see you there – pop in for a look, or settle down for a whole day of fun!
For more information including contact details please visit Denby Dale Parish Council’s directory listing –