Grace Walker- Local community connector.
Community plus work with people of all ages and backgrounds, providing flexible and personalised support. Community connectors can offer short term support, this can be in your home, by telephone or in a local venue you feel comfortable in. We will listen to what is important to you and put your wellbeing at the heart of our conversations. We have a team of connectors across Kirklees, Huddersfield, Rural, Dewsbury and Batley. There is no charge of our service, however there could be a chare to the groups we can connect you to.
Do you have an idea for change in your community and don’t know where to start?
We invite you to: Tell us about the place you live, Share your ideas to connect people in your community, Influence change through your local knowledge and lived experience.
We can: Connect you to others for support and training, such as faith and community groups and other voluntary sector organisations. Support you to lead the change you want to see . We are here to work with you and provide tailored support for your community’s needs.
Come along for a chat and see how we can help you at the drop in every fortnight starting February 28th.
We can offer 1:1 short term support to people who would like a more connected, happy, independent and healthier life. We can connect them to groups, activities and support local communities and work with you to build confidence in what you want to do. This might include connecting you to volunteering or employment opportunities. We hope to help reduce isolation and loneliness through connecting you to other people.
For more information including contact details please visit Community Plus’ directory listing on our website –