Our first activity of the new year will be on Sunday 5th of January at 10 am. This will be when we walk round the woods, and have a look at what we might want to do during the next year.
It will be a good opportunity to blow away some of the turkey and Christmas pudding. Most of us will bring thermoses of coffee- and any left over mince pies, cakes , biscuits that we have.
We will meet at the top of Greenwood Lane. (The junction with Barnsley Road- HD8 8NN). This is opposite where the road leading to the council waste recycling depot turns off the Barnsley Road.
If the weather looks like it might be bad enough to cause us to rearrange, then I would send us an email to check- upperdearnewoods@gmail.com
For more details including contact information please visit Upper Dearne Woodlands Conservation Group’s directory listing –