Do you work, rest or play in the HD8 area?
We categories our offering by whether you Work, Rest or Play in the HD8 area of Huddersfield.
Have a read of what we mean by Work, Rest or Play, where you can click through to more information using the buttons on each section, and if you would like to update the details we hold for you (or subscribe, if you are not already) please complete the form below.
Mostly we are talking to those who run organisations in the area or whose customers live in the area, as we have a plethora of ways for them to promote their business.
We are developing packages for bigger businesses, employers of HD8workers perhaps – ask us for more details!

Basically you live here

For those who spend their time here for enjoyment reasons, for example to watch or play sports, visit the countryside or to shop or eat.
You could be both be a visitor or someone who also Rests (or Works) here.

Help us to update our records
Please help us keep our data tidy by completing the form below, so we can send you the communications of interest to you.
If you have tried to unsubscribe and keep receiving emails (that aren’t of interest), please don’t hesitate to get in touch so we can ensure there is no potential email forwarding issues – the ability to unsubscribe is very important to us and we often given you options to update your preferences.
We also want to hear what you have enjoyed reading and what you would like more of (or less of). There are loads of ways that you can get in touch with us, so please come and chat.