The HD8 Network reports the interaction your membership has generated.
Our Silver and Gold members receive regular updates and reviews about their listings; how it is performing, what we can do to increase the exposure and tailor it for them.
Our Bronze members are sent reports showing the PageViews their listings have received after the first few months and towards the end of their membership.
If you are a member and would like to request the up to date version of your report please get in touch.
Weekly reports
Between January 2021 – May 2022 we were generating weekly reports to show the top viewed business listings and outbound clicks.
The reports were shared with the members who feature in the report.
Since the launch of the new website in June 2021, we have been able to also report on Top Viewed Events listings and News articles.
In March 2022, we started to publish the results on our website, notifying members and lapsed that they appeared in the results, inviting them to come and download copies.
If you are not receiving notifications that you are included in these reports, or would like to receive them more regularly – aka get more exposure for your business – please book an Account Management Session.
Not already a member and want to find out more?
HD8 Network membership starts from just £30 a year (free for community organisations) and gets you found in the local area, which statistics and support.