Have you ever wondered about the motivations that led to the creation of the HD8 Network?
At its core, the HD8 Network is dedicated to representing the local community online, making it easier for local businesses and activities to be discovered and thrive. In our world, businesses and non profit organisations work hand in hand, fostering a collaborative, vibrant, and supportive community.
The HD8 Network celebrates the network of villages in the HD8 area; our corner of Huddersfield, West Yorkshire – whether you work, rest or play here.
We help more people buy and do more locally, by promoting and connecting the HD8 area
Hi, I am Merewyn and I am the founder of the HD8 Network.

I believe in the ethos of shop local and am passionate about community; people coming together for the benefit of everyone.
As an incomer, there’s no way that I can know everything about the area, but I don’t half love it here and want to Work, Rest and Play here.
If I can help others to do so at the same time, well that’s just a bonus!
I don’t believe you can separate businesses from community – they are symbiotic – local businesses are the cornerstone of communities.
I know that a local business owner –
- is likely to have children in local schools, who also attend local clubs and activities.
- is likely to also volunteer and be part of community groups and community action.
- may even be parish councillors and trustees of charities.
- On top of that, possibly employ local people, provide products and services locally, as well as buying products and services – for their business and their homes – locally.
It can sometimes be hard to find out what is happening and where to find local products and services.
It is too easy in this modern world to find what you want on Amazon, at the Supermarket, in superstores or other internet delivery services. But this all the means the money, employment and other economic benefits happen outside of our local area, possibly not even in this country.
The HD8 Network aims to help more local people do and buy more locally – by doing so we keep the economic and social activity local, here in the HD8 area.

Isolation and mental health are major issues in today’s society, and there is a increasing pressure for us to be more sustainable, working towards net zero.
We live in such a beautiful and thriving place, with a variety of different hubs of activity – but for varying reasons this activity can appear to be quite hidden. Each of our wonderful and vibrant villages have multiple community groups, exercise classes, sporting matches, WI, Men’s Sheds, libraries, kids reading events, school fairs and so on. They each have their own vision and plans and all need committee members, speakers, volunteers, attendees and ticket buyers.
I believe in a circular economy and the HD8 Network is rooted in providing a facility that enables it.
We are not just about promoting businesses – yes of course this pays our bills and enables us to employ people – but our priority is to give a free to use platform to community groups and charities!

I know that the majority of the activity in the local area is run by community groups and charities, however, they have limited or more pressing need for their funds and so advertising and promotion can be one area they struggle with, relying on already time poor volunteers – who are likely to be also volunteering for multiple different groups and projects.
The HD8 Network offers them a professional and well regard resource to reach people outside of their existing network, helping them to shout about their amazing work, inviting you to take part and benefit.
I get most excited about promoting the local bonfire nights, village fetes and festivals, connecting local people and help community groups to find the support they need, whether it be monetary or volunteer time.
We are self funded and rely on business members to enable us to subsidise the cost for community members. As a private business we are exempt from Community Grants, Support and other funds, and receive no help from the local parish councils. The money and time to make this possible comes from myself; from inheritance from my grandparents and the goodwill and support of my loving husband.

However the HD8 Network is not about me and what I do, it is about shouting about the local community. If however you would like to find out more about me, please read here – https://www.hd8network.co.uk/more-about-merewyn/