Loads to add – December 2024

We recently sent you an email, and to keep the length of the email to a reasonable length we created this page with extra information to help you be an engaged member.

WhatsApp Member Group

If you are not already part of the conversation in the WhatsApp Member Group you can join it here – https://chat.whatsapp.com/K467yixJF402llLxswIfTs

The Price increase was announced and we have tried to get in touch with you, to reassure you that you will not be affect as an existing member, your membership costs are frozen for the lifetime of your membership. However, if you are a Bronze member and had been considering upgrading, this might be an ideal time!

The new prices are now on the website and an explanation to why, can be found here –https://www.hd8network.co.uk/price-increase/

Anyone that you recommend can receive a coupon for previous membership prices.

Alternatively you can earn £50 for each recommendation that you make that signs up to become a member at the new price.


To help you recommend businesses for us to follow up and introduce the HD8 Network, we have 2 forms. One is detailed and helps you share the information you know and are willing to share with us – by no means are you expected to complete all of it.

The other form simply asks for (up to) 5 suggestions – these could be business names, they could be types of businesses or sectors.

Update your details and send us your news stories

This mostly applies to Silver and Gold members, however anyone can send us Press Releases for our News section, one off Member Success Session can be booked and we’re quite happy to come to reasonable arrangements to appear on the Virtual High Street and help to promote events.

Add details for your extra pages – https://www.hd8network.co.uk/details-for-extra-pages/

In person meetings enable us to take photos, maybe even create a TikTok, whilst still using the time to help you optimise your membership.

Book a time for us to chat here –

Alternatively let us know when or where is best for you.

We're online - how may I help you today (1)

Please feel free to pick up the phone and call/message 07518296949.

And don’t forget the chat function. It is us that responds, not a robot!

This is especially useful when you are using the website – because we can see what pages you are on, and help with even more ease.

If we are not available we will get back to you when we are!

Looking forward to catching up with you soon!