Dog Under The Desk Websites

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Your website is usually the first impression the world gets of you and your business. It’s the warm welcome from the front desk!

I’m Eileen, your local WordPress website designer and I create sites for small businesses that aren’t fans of the techie side of things. I love building sites for wellness providers – yoga, massage, acupuncture, trauma support, natural aesthetics etc. but also love the challenge of building sites for other small local businesses; I have built site for authors and for road hauliers too!

When visiting your website, your potential clients should know immediately that you can solve their problem or provide the service that they need; your skills and professionalism should be evident without them having to hunt around the website. These are just a couple of factors that should be taken into consideration when you are building a website for your business.

Your website design needs might be different depending on where you are in your business journey – you might need a refresh, some work on SEO or a brand new site.

I have packages to suit these different needs and if you don’t quite fit into any of these categories (most of us don’t!) then I am usually able to customise for your specific requirements and give a bespoke quote.

You can find more about how I work and whether you feel we’d be a good fit by visiting my website here or getting touch via the email address above.

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