Clayton West Cricket Club

Back Lane,
Clayton West,
HD8 9PP,
07564 406132

Clayton West Cricket Club was founded in 1877 and is run on a voluntary basis by members of the local community. It continues to serve one of only two recreational outlets in the village (the other being the Bowling club). In recent years participation has increased significantly in both Junior & adult members.
We currently have two senior teams, playing home games each week during the 6 month cricket season, as well as Sunday League Team.
There are Junior Teams at every league age group – U9, U11, U13 and U15 and U17. Junior Training takes place on Friday evenings for U9s – U13s and Tuesday evenings for the older age groups. The Juniors play fixtures on Mondays, Wednesday and Sunday Mornings.
Last seen was a great success for CWCC juniors, U17s winning their league, U15s winning their League and the Cup, U13s winning the League and Cup, and U11s and U9s been successful in all games and tournaments.
The Cricket Club is the hub of our local community and provides sports, socialising and community engagement across all community members. We welcome any new members, players and visitors and seek to increase participation for all across Junior and Senior Teams.
We are always appreciative of any offers of support or sponsorship in order to maintain and improve the village club and replace or purchase additional but vital equipment and kit. We are also open to speaking with local groups and individuals, who might make use of the club and its facilities throughout the year.
Contact details for Junior and Seniors