Monthly Meetup

Back by popular demand!

After the success of our trialling a comeback of our physical meetings … here they are back!

Theses monthly Meetup networking events give the opportunity for businesses, non profit organisations and council departments to come together and build working relationships.

Ready to mix, mingle, and make some great connections?

Join us at the White Hart in Denby Dale for a super fun and laid-back networking event.

This is your chance to meet awesome people, share your ideas, and grow your network in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Don’t miss out on expanding your contacts and forging new relationships.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Networking costs
The price of the tickets is based on advanced booking and will cost more on the door

Your HD8 Network Membership helps you to be found online in the local HD8 area, by using our

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!

What happens at the Meetup networking events?

Speed Networking
Speed Networking

Speed Networking

Not everyone wants to stand up in front of a room and introduce themselves.  Nor do others like to walk up and speak to strangers.  Our Speed Networking sessions give you lots of one-to-one mini conversations – Speed Dating for Business if you like.  We guarantee that you will meet at least half the people in the room.

Speed networking has been working really well online – when the maths add up. It is now pretty certain you will speak to (almost) everyone at the event (if not twice, if the maths don’t work – sometimes you get to speak to me too!)

You are then invited to informally network with us and perhaps have a drink from the bar.

Our YouTube Channel has a number of Testimonial received for our Meetups –

Previously we held our monthly Meetup networking events at the Venue at Storthes Hall, 315 in Lepton and The Woodman Inn in Thuderbridge.

This is a video, created in 2015, with attendees opinions of our Meetup networking events.

Become a HD8member and receive the benefit of live networking meetings and events, and more.